Privacy Policy

Welcome to our website We would like to inform you about how we handle your data according to Article 13 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) so that you can visit our webpages securely and in confidence.


The party named in the site’s legal notice is responsible for the following data collection and processing.

Storage of the IP address

We store the IP address transmitted via your web browser for a period of seven days in order to be able to detect, isolate and rectify problems or faults (for example, attacks on our server). After this time period has expired, we delete or anonymise the IP address. The legal basis is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

Usage data

When you visit our website, so-called usage data is stored temporarily as a protocol for statistical purposes in order to improve the quality of our website. This data record consists of

  • the page from which the file was requested,
  • the name of the file,
  • the date and time of the request,
  • the data volume transferred,
  • the access status (file transferred, file not found),
  • the description of the type of web browser used,
  • the IP address of the requesting computer which is abbreviated so that the person is no longer identifiable.

The protocol data mentioned is only stored in an anonymised format.

Your personal data

Optional information:

In principle, we only collect data which is required to initiate or conclude a contract. As we only offer our services to business customers, personal data is often restricted to contact details and the underlying circumstances of our service which, in individual cases, may contain the data subject’s data.

Providing further information is optional. There are no negative consequences for not providing this data.

Data processing for performance of the contract:

We process our contacts’ contact details as per Article 6(1)(b) GDPR for the purpose of performance of the contract.

If necessary, personal data is forwarded to companies which are involved in processing this contract, for example, credit institutions for processing payments.

The data required for performance of the contract is archived for the term of the contractual relationship and then in the context of the statutory retention periods. The data is deleted after the statutory retention period has expired.

Data processing based on consent:

If you have given us separate consent to inform you about company products and services via e-mail, this will be processed accordingly on the basis of Article 6(1)(a) GDPR. You may withdraw your consent at any time without the legality of the processing so far being affected. If consent is withdrawn, we shall stop processing data accordingly.

Transfer of data to third parties

In the context of processing an order as per Article 28 GDPR, we transfer your data to service providers who support us in operating our website and with the processes associated with this. Our service providers are strictly bound by instruction and contractually obligated accordingly. We use the following service providers: for example, Google Analytics from Google LLC, CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG, WebServ IT GbR.

Transfer of data to third countries

Sometimes we transfer personal data to a third country outside of the EU. We have ensured an appropriate level of data protection accordingly.

In the cases of Google Analytics, Google Maps and Google reCaptcha (USA), an appropriate level of data protection arises from participation in the Privacy Shield Framework (Article 45(1) GDPR).


We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files which are stored and can be read on your end device. There is a difference between session cookies which are deleted as soon as you close your browser and permanent cookies which are stored beyond the individual session. Cookies can contain data which make it possible to recognise the device used. Sometimes cookies also only contain information on certain settings which does not relate to a person.

We use Session cookies and permanent cookies on our website. Article 6(1)(1)(f) GDPR forms the basis for processing and the processing is optimised or enabled in the interest of user guidance and is adjusted to the presentation of our website.

You can adjust your browser settings so that you are notified about the use of cookies. This will allow you to see when cookies are being used. You can delete cookies at any time via the relevant browser settings and prevent new cookies from being stored. Please note that subsequently our website may not be optimally displayed and some functions may no longer be technically available.

Google Analytics

ZurSo that the design of our website is appropriate to the needs of its users, we create alias usage profiles with the help of Google Analytics. Google Analytics uses cookies which are stored on your end device and can be read by us if you agree to cookies being stored. By agreeing to this, you enable us to recognise and count you as a returning visitor. The data is processed on the basis of Sentence 1 of Article 6(1)(a) GDPR.

If you consent, the information generated by the cookie regarding your use of this website is usually transferred to a Google server in the USA and stored there. As we have activated IP anonymisation on this website however, your IP address will be shortened by Google within the Member States of the European Union. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the USA (an appropriate level of data protection exists according to Article 45(1) GDPR through Google’s participation in Privacy Shield) and shortened there. We have also concluded an agreement on order processing with Google Inc. (USA) according to Article 28 GDPR. According to this, Google will only use all information strictly for the purposes of analysing the use of our website and compiling reports on website activity.

You can object to the processing at any time. To do this, please use one of the following options:

You may prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your browser software; however, please note that if you do so, you may not be able to use all the functions of this website to their full extent.

You can also prevent the release of data generated by the cookies about your use of the website (including your IP address) to Google as well as the processing of this data by Google, by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link download and install the available browser plugin.

You can also stop Google Analytics from collecting data by clicking the following link. An opt-out cookie will be installed that prevents the future collection of your data when you visit this website: Click here to object to the processing of your data by Google Analytics.

Contact form

You have the option of contacting us via a web form. To use our contact form, we require your name and e-mail address. You can share other information, however this is not obligatory.

We use information which is shared with us in the context of the contact form on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR or Article 6(1)(1)(f) GDPR in the interest of being able to respond to your query on an individual basis, as simply and as quickly as possible. Your data is only used to respond to your request and is subsequently directly deleted. It will not be forwarded to third parties.

Use of Google reCaptcha in the contact form

We use the Google service reCaptcha to determine whether a human or a computer is making certain entries in our contact form. Google uses the following data to verify whether you are a human or a computer: IP address of the end device used, which of our websites you are visiting and which is connected to Captcha, the date and duration of the visit, the identification data of the browser and operating system used, Google account if you are logged into Google, mouse movements on the reCaptcha areas, as well as tasks where you have to identify images. Legal basis for the data processing described is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. We use reCaptcha in the legitimate interest of guaranteeing the security of our website.

Embedded YouTube videos

We use embedded YouTube videos on our website. When you access a page with embedded videos, content from YouTube is already loaded (for example, the preview image) even if you have not yet clicked on the video. In order to embed the videos to be as data protection compliant as possible, we have activated the advanced data protection settings for embedding.


We offer you the opportunity of subscribing to a newsletter on our website. If you have given us separate permission to inform you about company products and services via e-mail, this will be processed accordingly on the basis of Article 6(1)(a) GDPR. By ordering a newsletter, you are agreeing to newsletter tracking. If you order the newsletter, we can track your user behaviour which means, for example, whether you have opened the newsletter. You may withdraw your consent at any time without the legality of the processing so far being affected. If consent is withdrawn, we shall stop processing data accordingly and will stop sending you the newsletter.

If in the future, you no longer want to receive newsletters, you can unsubscribe at any time, for example via e-mail to or via the unsubscribe from newsletters link which can be found in every newsletter.

Data security

To protect your data from unwanted access, we use an encryption method on our website. Your information is transferred from your computer to our server and back again via the internet by means of a 128-bit TLS (Transport Layer Security) encryption. You will be able to tell by the fact that, in the status bar of your browser, the padlock symbol will be closed and the address line will start with https://.

Your user rights

The GDPR grants you certain rights as a website user with regard to the processing of your personal data:

  • Right of access (Article 15 GDPR):
    You have the right to obtain confirmation as to whether personal data concerning you is being processed; if this is the case, you have the right to access the personal data and the specific information listed in Article 15 GDPR.
  • Right to rectification and right to erasure (Articles 16 and 17 GDPR):
    You have the right to obtain without undue delay the rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning you and if necessary, you have the right to have incomplete personal data completed.
    You also have the right to obtain the erasure of personal data concerning you without undue delay, if one of the specific reasons listed in Article 17 GDPR applies, for example the data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed.
  • Right to restriction of processing (Article 18 GDPR):
    You have the right to obtain restriction of processing if one of the prerequisites listed in Article 18 GDPR is fulfilled, for example if you have objected, in accordance with Article 21 GDPR, to processing for the period enabling verification that our legitimate interests outweigh yours.
  • Right to data portability (Article 20 GDPR):
    You have the right in certain cases, those listed in detail in Article 20 GDPR, to receive the personal data concerning you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format or to transmit that data to a third party.
  • Right to object (Article 21 GDPR):
    If data is collected based on Article 6(1)(f) (data processing for the purposes of legitimate interests), you have the right to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, at any time to processing. We will then no longer process the personal data unless there are compelling and legitimate grounds for processing which outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.
  • Right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority
    In accordance with Article 77 GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes data protection laws. The right to lodge a complaint can be asserted in particular with a supervisory authority in the Member State of your habitual residence, your place of work or place of the alleged infringement.

Data protection officer

Our company data protection officer is available for enquiries or suggestions on the subject of data protection:

Peter Suhren